
Friday, October 31, 2008

They're Finally Here

My Mom arrived 2 days ago, flewing from Vancouver. She brought my Etsy packages (5) along with all the stuff she bought for Ethan. It was so nice seeing her (and the packages, of course). Too bad that she only stays for a week this time. She has a tight schedule and we try to maximize our time together, especially I want her to have good quality time with Ethan.

It's almost overwhelming when I saw the goodies. In a good way :-) There are so many new papers to play with that I don't even know where to start. One of the packages contained scrap papers as high as 4 inches. The seller told me that she put extras in my order. Isn't that sweet? One seller has also refunded $1.50 for excess shipping cost. And her papers are cut SO neatly. No wonder if she's one of the successful sellers. I'll be back, that's for sure. Another seller provided a note detailing what goes in her shipping cost calculation and why I had to pay more than the postage. Interesting, I would say.

I had purchased them as early as July and had to be patient waiting to finally have them in my hands. Why did they get send to Canada instead of Indonesia? Well, not only that I do go back to Vancouver now and then (or other people, i.e. my mom), but also because not all Etsy sellers ship internationally. And shipping cost to Canada tends to be cheaper than shipping cost to Indonesia. That's why some packages are sent directly to Indonesia, and some are sent to Canada.

I guess, I won't shop for a while....hmm, may be for supplies, but I can shop for others stuff, can't I?

1 comment:

  1. Have fun with all your new goodies - but more importantly - enjoy your Mom's visit!
