
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

When times are tough...

Here is what I learn today.

When times are tough, whether it be financial or emotional tough or when I just feel blah, here are things that make me feel better.

  • Look back to these beautiful pictures from our vacations. Imagine that I'm there. Reminisce the good times.
December 2005, Bali. A view from our suite.

August 2006, Long Beach Lodge Resort, Tofino, BC.

July 2007 Alaska Cruise. I was about 23 weeks pregnant with Ethan. It was quite hard to control my appetite as foods are available for 24 hours.

  • Hug my little one. This afternoon, he cried during his nap. I picked him up and rocked him back to sleep. And as I hug him closely to my chest, I feel peaceful, knowing him feeling secured in my arms.
  • Make crafts helps me to feel better. Little that I know, my feeling becomes my inspiration for the day. I guess this is what differentiate handmade cards and mass produced ones, where feeling of the artist is involved. I also learn to appreciate my cards a little bit more. A simple card like this surely make someone's day brighter. What a strong impact it could have! I hope someone besides me will enjoy this card as well.

Don't forget to enter my giveaway contest. Click the graphic located on the very top left sidebar.

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