
Friday, November 21, 2008


On August, I posted an article about my friend's wedding. They just found out that they're pregnant! Congratulations is in order.

It brought me back to my 2007 pregnancy. Compared to the girls that I know, such as my sis and a couple of friends, I think my pregnancy was an easy one. I was blessed with a healthy pregnancy. Sure I had backache, morning sickness, etc but they were not so bad overall. I barely had cravings (wasn't my husband a lucky one?). We even went on a cruise on my 2nd trimester. I actually enjoyed my pregnancy. I got spoiled by friends. For almost the whole 9-months, they insisted me to pick which restaurant to go. And we went out every weekend, once if not twice!

I was known as BF Nat at work, thanks to my Boss *jokingly*:-) Nope, it does not stand for Best Friend Nat. It stands for Big Fat Nat. LOL. I guess I deserved the nickname since I grew from the tiniest person in the department to a woman with big belly.

My co-workers gave me a surprised baby shower party before I went for maternity leave. It was so much fun! What a thoughtful gang. I do miss them very much. Not many people enjoy what they do and who they work with and I'm grateful that I did.

Time flies. Ethan just turned 1 year old. That reminds me that I'm so much behind on his baby scrapbooking album. And our Alaskan cruise. Oops!

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