
Thursday, January 29, 2009

I've been Tagged!

So I admit, I love making gift tags! But I also LOVE being TAGGED!

Sweet Lesley had tagged me. Btw, she has such a cute blog. I really like her illustrations!

Here is the rules: Write 6 random things about myself, link the person who tagged you post the rules. Tag six people and link them. Let them know they have been tagged.

  1. My favorite food is fried chicken. But a side of chilli or 'sambal' is a must!
  2. I need my sleep. I can sleep anytime, anywhere in most cases. :-)
  3. I'd rather shop for supplies (papers, embellishment, glue, etc) rather than clothes and jewelries shopping.
  4. I love to travel. It's my dream to travel around the world.
  5. I don't like talking on the phone and try to avoid it if I can even though it's something that I really enjoyed doing it when I was a teenager.
  6. It's probably strange, but I'm not a fan of chocolate. I eat it when I feel like it, but I tend to say 'no thank you' when someone offers it to me.
So here are 7 bloggers that I'm tagging now:






A Glimpse To Chinese New Year

To celebrate the Ox Year, we went for a dinner on the 25th. So many restaurants were booked for this event and the price hijacked as high as 400%. My dad-in-law insisted that we had to have a nice dinner as part of Chinese tradition. If I were him, I'll wait until the next day to have a nice dinner when the price would go back to normal.

The dinner started quite well until lion and/or dragon dance was performed. Ethan cried hysterically that we finally went back to the car and waited until it finished. What a night! An expensive dinner and yet we couldn't really enjoy it.

Since that day (until today), Ethan cries whenever he is in new (strange) places. A visit to a relative became a disaster too. I ended up waiting in the front yard and the in-laws had to cut the visit short. If you know ways for me to help him overcome his fears, please leave me a comment. I'll really appreciate it!

Here is my newest card. Yes, I'm still in love with bird and yes, with felt as well.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tags...Tags and Tags

Just want to share with you some tags that I've been working on lately. I made a few batches at once and why didn't I think about that long time ago. Duh! But now I'm facing a new problem. I need to figure out away to store them in a way that nice to look at and at the same time well-organized. I'm running out of boxes too.

And look who is tagging the ant?

It looks that more and more of them in the backyard lately. I'm just afraid that Mocha will step on them while he's doing his business. I, myself, am not dare to walk in the backyard with Ethan for now. They're just everywhere.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Don't Kill Art, Please!

Aren't these cute??

This is a wrapping paper that I bought at a local market. I had a good laugh when I saw it the first time. It's a must have item.

Hm... I wonder what I can make with this. If you have a suggestion, feel free to leave me a comment. I really appreciate it.

So I *finished* a 2-page scrapbook layout for Ethan's album. I find it looks pretty simple. I'm not sure if I need to put more embellishments, what do you think?

Finishing the whole album seems to feel forever. It's still far to go, I sadly admit. But if I can do one page in every other day, I really make a progress. Perhaps, I'll start another page tonight. Or working on the same page?

I've been having custom orders lately for both of my stores, AdoreByNat and NatSupplies. Thank you so much for being a repeat customer. I'm so glad that my customers are doing well with their businesses that they have to order more supplies. It's no wonder though cause they do make great products.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

More Tags and Birds


I know, I know, these are not cookies even though they are FRESHLY made.

And I can't get enough of those birds just like you, bird lovers :-)

Apparently they're just TOO cute in brown.

Now I'd better to get ready for dinner. It's time to eat REAL foods. LOL!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Birdie in Tag

My newly created tag involving felt and birds. Quite Colorful, eh? Hope you love 'em! The bird is handcut and handstitched.

I use the new ribbons and they're definitely gorgeous!

I made two for each designs. Two is better than one, don't you think? :-) Stay tuned for more of my tags.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Feeling Fruity - Apples and Pears

It started with me looking for baby gifts for my sister who is due in February. It's just sad that I won't be there on her big day as I'm thousands miles away on the other side of the world. She is going to have a GIRL!Lucky her! We've been wanting a girl ourselves but God has different agenda and we come to acceptance as HIS what best for us. Our Ethan is such a cute little boy as you all know :-)

My search started with looking for those who trade. Boutiquegirl answered me on Twitter and this set of baby bib burp set caught my eyes right away. Apples and Pears fabric made by Alexander Henry.

Then my search continued to find more baby items. And that's what my favorites are for, a place where I can refer to when it's time for shopping.

, for example, has been on my favorite section. She has the cutest little girls dresses. It so much fun browsing her shop and this time I really can do the shopping.

Coincidentally while I went through my favorite section, I saw this cute pouch at Murwati's shop.

This adorable little dress is from Tosweetpeafromme.

And if you love scrapbooking like me, I'm sure you also fall in love with this baby memory book by chicmemories.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Pretty in Pink

I just feel like loving the color of PINK all over again. Perhaps, I'm longing for spring.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Honestly, I felt that I've not been accomplished much these days in terms of cardmaking. But last night, I felt somewhat better since I completed TWO pages of Ethan's baby album. YEI!

We've been going out for errands. We took Mocha our dog for grooming yesterday.

While waiting for him, we visited hubby's friend and his wife. It has been a while that we haven't hung out and it was nice seeing them, e. Later in the afternoon, we drove my mom-in-law to the store and picked up my passport and visa.

We're planning to go to Singapore on Feb 1st for 5 days. It's not so much of vacation. It's more like a last review to see if we really want to relocate to Singapore. Plus, Ethan needs to get Meningococcal Conjugate vaccination which is not available in Indonesia. I'm also planning for a little shopping for my paper supplies. Yes, the closest local scrapbook store to me is in Singapore. It's quite pathetic, I know. It's one of many reasons why I want to move to Singapore. :-) I'll be able to accept large custom orders where same patterned paper is used.

Aren't these appliques cute? They are handmade, but not just by me. I bought them commercially and sell them back at my NatSupplies store.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Cards

Here are my cards that I made recently.

Some of them using ribbons that I just bought last week.

They turned out great!! I'm planning to use them even more, hmmm...perhaps for tags. I just wish that I have more time to do all of these. Among taking care of my Ethan, being in front of computer, going out as a family, scrapbooking and cardmaking, there are not much time left.

I have no more new cards to list for tomorrow, so at least tonight I have to make a few. Gotta go!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Little Trips with Ethan

Ethan and I stay at home most of the time. When hubby is off work, meaning... he's not helping his dad at the store, he'll be bringing us around. We usually go to the Malls, something indoor as it's just too hot outside and it's uncommon to do an outdoor activities except swimming, something that I really miss from Vancouver.

We LOVE to eat.

This is my favorite dessert, Bread Pudding with Ice Cream. Mmm...mmm...mmm...Yummy. Ethan loves it too.

Little Ethan loves FISH too.

Remember that delicious chocolate birthday cake that my girlfriend bought me posted here? Well, she bought it here at the Harvest, a pastry store recently opened in Surabaya.

Can you see his EXCITEMENT?

Chinese New Year falls on the 26th of this month. It's a Moo-Moo Year I heard on Disney channel. We were in a local market where my in-law's store located and saw all these lanterns, flowers and other decorations. It's just a few years ago that Chinese New Year recognized as statutory holiday and Chinese decedents can finally celebrate their new year freely.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Thank You Promo: Free Domestic Shipping

Etsygreetings street team is having a thank you promo event and I'm participating it. Now is a good time to show your gratefulness for the Christmas dinner invitations or the gifts that you're received.

From January 5 - January 15, purchase any thank you card sets from participating shops listed here and the domestic shipping cost is FREE.

Here are my Thank You card sets. Each is made with details as always. You can find more of them at my AdoreByNat store.

Aren't these ribbons yummy? I saw them last week and could not stop thinking about them. Today, I just had to get them, not that I don't have too many already. Wait till I'm playing with them :-) And of course, yes I will share the results with you.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

I was blogged at Polliwogged

This morning I woke up earlier than my son. He usually wakes up first and 'force' me to open my eyes watching for him. I did not have a good sleep last night, perhaps because the weather was hot. The AC in our bedroom did not really help.

My typical morning include cuddling with my son on bed, tickling and kissing him. Then, I prepare for his breakfast and call his nanny to attend him. While he is having breakfast, I turn on my computer and check on my Etsy stores.

What a good way to start my morning. The first convo that I read was about me being blogged. That's just a great feeling I have!! Erika of Polliwogged blogged about my handstitched felt on cards that are great for baby shower invitations.

Thanks Erika for your sweet compliment! Boy, I'm glad she found me. That way, I found about her sites. When you have a chance, please visit the following sites: for Beautiful Handmade Things my beat is Handmade for Baby and Mom my Free Directory for Tiny Businesses

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Adorable Appliques

I made an attempt to shop for more products in order to stock up my NatSupplies store. I admit that I've been neglecting this supplies store.

So many things to do, so little time that I have. It's just that I've been concentrating on my AdoreByNat store lately. It's hard not too, when I have so much fun playing with paper and felt.

Yesterday, thanks to my hubby, I was able to do a little shopping. These are just few appliques that I found. They are SO adorable.

To be honest, I'm tempted to make hairclips with these. But I need to restraint myself for now. I only have a pair of hands and can't do all! I don't know though how long I can hold myself not too.

I'll list them soon, but if you don't see them in my store and yet want them badly, simply contact me! :-)