
Friday, January 23, 2009

Don't Kill Art, Please!

Aren't these cute??

This is a wrapping paper that I bought at a local market. I had a good laugh when I saw it the first time. It's a must have item.

Hm... I wonder what I can make with this. If you have a suggestion, feel free to leave me a comment. I really appreciate it.

So I *finished* a 2-page scrapbook layout for Ethan's album. I find it looks pretty simple. I'm not sure if I need to put more embellishments, what do you think?

Finishing the whole album seems to feel forever. It's still far to go, I sadly admit. But if I can do one page in every other day, I really make a progress. Perhaps, I'll start another page tonight. Or working on the same page?

I've been having custom orders lately for both of my stores, AdoreByNat and NatSupplies. Thank you so much for being a repeat customer. I'm so glad that my customers are doing well with their businesses that they have to order more supplies. It's no wonder though cause they do make great products.


  1. Very nice blog, creative and lots of colors. Love the backgrounds.

  2. Lol. You're hilarious and sooooooo talented!
