
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Trip to Singapore -- Part 1

I feel so bad for not blogging for almost 2 weeks. We went to Singapore for 5 days and I've been busy trying to go back to the normal life for the past week. This included reconnecting my unlimited internet access. No internet access drove me crazy. I just feel that I lost connection with the world. That also means that I could not list as many items as I wished. The good thing is that I was able to make more cards and tags.

Here are some pictures from my trip to Singapore. We've been there a number of times but this time we noticed that Singapore is not crowded as before. This is probably mainly because of the current global financial crisis.

Reog Ponorogo
I was surprised to see this Indonesian dance performed in Singapore. I guess Indonesian culture is well-known in Singapore.

Chinese Crafts Fair
A lot of beautiful artworks here. Very impressive!

Sentosa Island
A must-see attraction site to visit. Too bad we did not have much time to explore it, but my husband and I had a great quality time together.
More pictures tomorrow :-)


  1. Seems like you had a great time! The pics are awesome, it looks so beautiful! ^_^

  2. That craft market makes me almost want to drop dead of envy. sigh. . . and I think your blog banner is about the coolest one I've seen. Seriously.
