
Friday, June 5, 2009

Flower Tags

I'm in Vancouver, BC...Canada!

But sadly, not much time to blogging for now as I'm occupied with little one as we are both trying
to adjust with the time difference, weather and environment in general. All of these causes adjustment to Ethan's routine. The journey is not ended just yet. We'll be leaving to Toronto on early Sunday morning to be reunited with my DH.

In the meantime, hope you enjoy my flowery tags. The two tags above were gifts mailed to my custom order client in the US along with her bookmarks and cards.

These tags below were made as I didn't want to waste even a tiny scrap paper.

I hope I can go back to cardmaking once I settle down and's soon.


  1. Good morning, I'm stopping by to say hello, and Happy Monday (and for some, happy blue Monday or happy belated Pink Saturday - WHEW!)

    I hope Canada treats you well and you love it there. I'm from Minnesota, which joins her way up north. It's beautiful in my home state and I believe Canada is beautiful as well. Your cards and tags are just darling.

    My blog topic today is about a man, a dog, a love story, and a bit about embroidery.


  2. Finally saw my father-in-law who brought me my cards and the gifts you sent with the package of bookmarks. Thank you! I love the little tags, so warm and happy. I also love the larger packet of candies, it's a neat way to beautifully enclose a little bag. A larger version of your tea bag covers, I guess. Thank you so much for all your hard work and for allowing me so much input on your art. I'll let you know how the bookmarks are received later this month; my MIL is looking forward to giving out the gifts this year, she thinks the Bishop will be impressed at all the handcrafted items the volunteers will be receiving.

  3. As usual your work is beautiful! I've been trying to catch up on blogs, etc. and have always enjoyed reading yours.

    I just finished reading about your move to Canada. I hope that the move goes smoothly and all works out well.
