
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday Artisan: Dryan327

Meet this week Saturday Artisan: Donna of Dryan327
In my opinion, she has a successful shop. Gorgeous selection of jewelries available. Let's find out more about her.

Tell us a bit about yourself and what arts/ crafts that you make?
I am a retired (very young & energetic) mother, wife & up and coming hand crafter turning a hobby into a stay at home job. I have two wonderful children a son who is 25 & a daughter who is 20.

How does your day go in general?
I get up have a cup of coffee, check emails and my site, respond to everyone/customers, package up any sales before the mailman comes and then go make more jewelry, take pictures of the pieces, download them to my site, and go out on the internet and promote the new pieces on blogs and social networks.

What is your favorite item in your shop?
My favorite item is probably the most popular: the Steampunk Rhinestone Ring, The Silver Steampunk Cufflinks & Smorkin Labbits Earrings

What is your best seller?
The three above are my best sellers.

Do you have a favorite Etsy seller?
Yes, it is probably the lady I buy glass colored jewels from
weekendjewelry1. Her and I send notes back and forth all the time and cyber hugs and chit chat, so it is always a lot of fun to buy from her, plus the fact I know I am going to get quality product in record speed timing.

What inspires you?
That is easy. My daughter. She is VERY FASHION FORWARD…loves antique earrings, so that is how I got started turning antique pieces into neat earrings for her and when all her friends commented on how cool her earrings were, they said: Man your mom should sell those, I would so buy them. That it is…Purple Toes comes from her lavender toenails…(they are sooo cute when they are lavender).

What is your goal for 2010?
Oh I would love to increase my sales of course. I got a new computer, a new camera, so if I could perfect my pictures and get more creative, that too would always be a plus.

What is your favorite tool that you cannot live without?
Well, unfortunately it might be more than one: I love my Dremel Drill Tool and my camera, (plus, I really love the grinder & the torch)

How do you promote your shop?

Usually Facebook and Twitter.

Any advice for a newbie running his or her on-line shop?
Get your pictures pristine before you even start. It took me over a year to get my pictures good and when I did my shop took off. Don’t waste as much time as I did.

During this recession time, tell us one thing that you do to save money?
I don’t have to drive anywhere. I use sometimes $0.00 in gas a week.

Here are more of her beautiful jewelries.

I invite you to take a peak at her shop if you haven't done so already. And if you love her jewelries (I'm sure you do) then you don't want to miss out tomorrow giveaway. Hint...hint :-)


  1. Oh thank you so much for the feature!! YOu are the best! ...Looking forward to the giveaway. ;) Donna~

  2. OMG- this ring right here... SO ME!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. You are welcome Rach. If you are ever on my site and something you are interested in has sold, let me know. I will make you another one. Thanks and looking forward to seeing who wins the dragonfly necklace & earrings.
