
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday Artisan: RobinsFlight

Meet this week of our Saturday Artisan: Robin of RobinsFlight.

I don't know how to crochet. When I was younger, I made a few attempts then I gave up and chose to learn knitting instead (which I'm just a novice and don't have the time to do more). Somehow I got confused on the steps and where the hook should go. Haha.

I'm amazed by how neat Robin's hand-crocheted bags and purses are. Find out how she juggles making beautiful bags and purses while having 2 young ones to care as well.

Tell us a bit about yourself and what arts/ crafts that you make?
I'm a stay at home mother of a 2, ages 2 and 5. I make bags and purses with crocheted exteriors and sewn linings. I like to add in extras like zipper pockets and nice hardware to make them pretty and
more useable.

What is your favourite item in your shop?

I think the belted bags- they have such a classic look to them.

What is your best seller?
Definitely my wallets.

How does your day go in general?
Up by 6:00 to get a shower in before my son wakes to his internal alarm clock at 6:30. Cup of coffee while I check email and entertain my son, then it's crunch time getting everyone ready to get my daughter to preschool on time. Errands and time with my son, lunch and finally nap and rest time, which is craft time for me! Then more fun with the kids or maybe some crochet while they play, dinner, maybe a little online networking for me while my husband plays with the kids, bedtime for them (the kids, not my man!), and finally a little down time. The evening after the kids are in bed is when I get most of my sewing done.

What inspires you?
Often, it's a fabric that I just love that will guide the colors and style I crochet. Sometimes it'll be the line or style of a bag I see someone carrying. Or even a nice buckle or finding I'll see somewhere that just screams to be used.

What is your goal for 2010?
I guess networking more. I don't have a set sales goal, since I mostly do this for my own enjoyment. But I'd love to see more sales, and the best way to do that is to have people find you and see your work.

What is your favourite tool that you cannot live without?
Definitely my size I crochet hook! Although my sewing maching runs a close second!

Any advice for a newbie running his or her on-line shop?
I still feel like a newbie myself, having been on etsy for less than a year. But to all those newbies out there who are measuring their success by sales: it's tough, especially in these times. Don't focus on the sales numbers, focus on doing your craft that you love. Stick around, network, learn from those who are out there, are enjoy it!

Great advice, Robin! Definitely we need to enjoy what we're doing. And learning from others are definitely helpful.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's post. Robin is a sponsoring a giveway that you will not want to miss out!


  1. Great and inspiring attitude about creativity and why. Thanks. Beautiful bags by the way.

  2. Robin, what a cutie you are and sounds like you have a great life! I LOVE this wallet!

  3. Great feature and your bags are awesome! It's so nice to learn more about you! Your picture is adorable!

  4. Those belted bags are definitely eye catching -- classic and modern at the same time! Nice to see your super sweet face. :)

  5. I love hearing about other artists. Great items and thanks for sharing. :0)

  6. I do like Robins bags and wallets. Great advice for newbies too.

  7. I love those bags! Your advice for newbies is encouraging

  8. Nice to learn more about you Robin. You do beautiful work.
