
Thursday, March 11, 2010

More Cards

Just quickly sharing cards that I made last week. Some are listed in my shop, while others to follow.

I think making 7 cards for a week while I have a full -time job (a total of 11 hours including commuting, 5 days/ week), a toddler to raise, and a house to maintain, on top of keeping my sanity, is quite an accomplishment, don't you think? Oh...and I have 2 Etsy shops to maintain...

I tried forcing myself to stay up late every night to do what I need to do to maintain my shops, but I realized that if I keep forcing myself, I'm simply taking the fun out of cardmaking. That simply beats the purpose, doesn't it?

So tonight, I'll try to be in bed by 10pm at the latest, and hopefully by doing this, I'll re-charge myself and can stay up a bit late on the weekend.

I'm curious to know how do you manage your days? Share some tips, will you?


  1. It's a LOT of work and you are doing well.

    One tip.
    Upload your photos to Flickr. From Flickr you can "blog" your picture to Twitter and to your Blog. Copy paste some of the information from your Etsy description to the box which appears on Flickr and you can "speed blog."

    A 2nd tip.
    Do as much automatically as you can. But if you use something like twitterfeed (I think that manages blogs as well) or futuretweet, you do need to go to Twitter and Facebook for a little chat; only sending tweets or posting links can put people off!

  2. Thanks for the tips, Linda! And the supports :-)

    Tweeting about new listings and FB are done automatically. I enjoy chatting too which I miss a lot recently.

    About Flickrs, yeah I'm still debating to get the pro account or not...the yearly membership is a bit too pricey for me.
