
Friday, March 26, 2010

Saturday Artisan: jacarandadesigns

Meet another talented Etsy artist residing in Toronto, ON: Jane of jacarandadesigns.

Inspiration is a very fundamental key to create a beautiful art. Read on how Jane thoroughly elaborates her key points to get inspired.

Tell us a bit about yourself and what arts/ crafts that you make?
I'm the owner of Jacaranda Designs. I live in Toronto with my husband and two boys, fish and hermit crabs! I used to work in the IT industry but left that world behind a few years ago. I started making jewelry in 2005 and just loved creating pieces. I found working with beads and creating my "treasures" very therapeutic. I have attended many jewelry-making courses over the last few years and continue to learn new and exciting techniques to incorporate into my jewelry. Jacaranda Designs is a result of my passion for making beautiful pieces of jewelry!

What is your favourite item in your shop?
My favorite item in my shop right now has to be my Ivory Pearl and Gold Bouquet earrings. Classic pearls with a modern flair.

What is your best seller?
My best seller is my Antique Brass Birds Nest Earrings with pale blue pearls.

What inspires you?
There's color all around us and yet sometimes, I think we fail to see it. Sometimes though, I'll look at a color and it will arouse certain emotions in, anger, warmth, energy, creativity to name just a few. I love looking at various color combinations in fabrics, in nature, even in what other people choose to wear. Color not only affects my mood but I think the mood of other people around me also.

I love plants and flowers. I look forward to spring and summer so much, just to see the glorious plants that Mother Nature has to offer. If you look closely at flowers and even leaves, you'll see beautiful textures and color combinations. Even the smell of certain plants can be intoxicating. There's nothing quite as relaxing as taking a stroll around a gorgeous garden and just observing the plants and insects. I take tons of photos during the spring and summer and often refer back to them when I'm making jewelry as they are full of inspiration.

My Children
There's something about the innocence and simplicity of the way children look at things that can be very inspirational. Sometimes they comment on or get enjoyment out of those things we find so "everyday" and yet if you really listen closely, it's those details that can be very enlightening provide a different way of looking at things.

As much as I love a quiet, silent home at times, most of the time I love to listen to music. I find it very relaxing to work while I listening to certain music. If I had to choose a favourite, I love Cuban music...not too slow that it makes me want to put my feet up and do nothing, and not too loud that I'm prevented from concentrating.

Other Artists
I'm constantly awed by the talent displayed by other artists. If I'm ever feeling in a blah mood and not very creative, I just check out some of the wonderful artwork created by others. That's usually all it takes to inspire me to get started on a new project!

Lastly (yes, I know it was only five !), my husband inspires me. He's my biggest fan. He's always there to support me and offer words of wisdom and encouragement.

What is your goal for 2010?
My goal for 2010 is to continue to create pieces of jewelry that I love and of course, to expand my customer base and increase sales.

How do you promote your shop?
Any and every way I can think of. I have a blog where I feature my jewelry as well as other Etsy artists. I also have a monthly giveaway of one jewelry item. I advertise on Google, Facebook and Project Wonderful. I also belong to many online communities where I try and make valuable contributions.

Any advice for a newbie running his or her on-line shop?
Clear photos are so important. My photos have improved over time but it's been a lot of trial and error. Even now, I look at a few of the photos and think I should probably redo them as they're not quite as good as I'd like. Also, be patient. Hard work eventually pays off. I started 2.5 years ago and yet 90% of my sales have been in the last year.

During this recession time, tell us one thing that you do to save money?
I try not to waste supplies and also not to buy supplies unless I know what I'm going to make with them. The first year in business I bought so many beads that I've never used which was a bit of a waste. Now I'm gradually using them up in my designs! Also, make your own lightbox. There's so many instructions online. I made mine for less than $20 and it's stood the test of time!

If you're shopping for Easter holiday, don't forget to visit her shop. There are tons of Easter theme jewelries available at jacarandadesigns.


  1. I love the bracelet on top! Beautiful pieces! :)

  2. Aren't they gorgeous? One lucky person is going to get one of Jane's beautiful earrings for free
