
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Saturday Artisan: TinyMade

This week Saturday Artisan is Kelli, a proud owner and talented designer of tinymade. Tinymade offers a selection of adorable children clothings. Plus, Kelli accepts custom orders which means she even personalizes her work to meet your need!

To all moms of young ones out there: I think you'll thank me for finding this awesome shop for you..that is if you stumbled upon my humbled blog. Well actually, Kelli found me. Lol! How am I glad she did.

I personally fall in love with everything that she has in her shop. It's unfortunate that I don't have a girl of my own...but hey, Kelli make clothes for boys too! Oh Yeah, she is that good!!

Tell us a bit about yourself and what arts/ crafts that you make?
I am a wife to a wonderful man, a sweetheart from college. I am also a stay at home mother of 4 energetic children ages 7, 5, 4 and 2 (two boys and two girls). During my spare time I love to make things, whether they are to eat, wear, or just be pretty.

I have been a crafter for as long as I can remember….even back to the days of crocheting in Girl Scouts. These days I have focused on sewing, really due to my lack of spare time!

What is your favourite item in your shop?
I love my coordinating outfits. (Not any one in particular). I love my children to be able to coordinate without having to wear to exact same outfit. They are, after all, very different individuals.

How does your day go in general?
I wake up around 6/6:30 to get a cup of coffee and check emails before the kiddos wake up. Then around 7, sometimes sooner if I hear a little pitter patter upstairs, the running begins. I get everyone ready for the day, one 1st grader, 2 preschoolers and a toddler. We are out the door around 7:45 for school drop off. When I get back I do my household chores/errands. After lunch during naptime/quiet time I will start to press fabric/cut patterns for new items. Then we are off to pick up our 1st grader and gymnastics, soccer and cub scouts (depending on the day). Dinner, bath and bedtime finish the day by 7:30. After I clean things up a bit I FINALLY have my sewing time. My husband usually has work to finish from his day so he does computer work while I sew and we chat and catch up a bit then. It’s NICE.

Do you have a favourite Etsy seller?
Oh, soo many to choose from. I love artists that upcycle. I know it is so trendy now, but it really interests me. The other day I stumbled upon a clock made from a bicycle wheel at pixelthis. I ‘d love to start doing a little upcycling myself. I’ll add it to my GROWING list of “to do’s”!

What inspires you?
My inspiration comes from my children. My 4yo daughter’s face lights up when she puts on a dress I made for her for the first time. She thanks me and tells me what she likes best about it. My 7yo son is really interested in what I am doing and has started drawing monsters for boys tshirts. (I have made some for them that they wear all the time!) He is a budding entrepreneur, telling me all the things he’d like to make and sell. My 2yo daughter puts on a new dress and spins singing “I’m a pincess, cindalela….cindalela”. My 5yo, well, he is just waiting for me to make more monster tshirts for him to wear!

How do you promote your shop?
My children are my local advertisement. We have gotten so many compliments when we are out. A few local customers have become my best customers!

During this recession time, tell us one thing that you do to save money?
We have gone a little greener….better for the planet and the wallet. We have turned to cloth! I made cloth napkins and tissues. We use reuseable cloth baggies for lunches, instead of plastic baggies. I bring my own bags to the grocery store. I make my own cleaners from natural products. After we move this spring we are hoping to have a big garden to feed all these growing children!

Stay-tuned for tomorrow's giveaway. Sweet Kelli is sponsoring a giveaway. Now check out her shop!


  1. Wow I love this shop and I love that she makes boys clothes too that monster/alien shirt is great!

  2. The monster shirts are terrific--wish she made them in adult sizes too!

  3. Fabulous blog and love the monster shirts,followed you and took your button too:)

  4. This shop has some of the cutest dresses I've ever seen! I'd love to see more more more!

  5. Love the coordinating outfits!! I'd love more boy options to coordinate with the girl ones! Your things are SO cute!

  6. I learned that Kelli is interested in upcycling, and wants to start doing that, also. I love upcycling and the creativity involved in transforming an object into something "new" again!

    I personally would love to see more apron dresses and variations on it in Kelli's shop. They are very adorable!

    poetees at gmail dot com

  7. Love that the outfits match...but not totally. So cute. The fabrics are fun and different, too.

  8. So cute! What a great promotion and what beautiful designs!

  9. Only one word will do...WOW. Love everything I've seen. Keep it coming!

  10. I love the clothes that I've gotten from tinymade! I have 2 boys, and they love the cars and rockets that were sewn onto their shirts and pants, and they also love the fact that they could feel and touch the fabric. Kelli is a very talented designer. I wish I had a girl to get all the cute girl clothes that I see in the pictures. The kids are so adorable!

  11. Adorable shop! I love the pinafore and would love to see more.

  12. I ordered a dress for my girlfriends baby's first birthday and was very pleased when I recieved the dress. The quality of fabric and workmanship is worth every penny (the prices are great I might add). I also have PJ's that were custom made for me (yes, big girls like PJ's too). I have worn them and washed them over and over and they hold up terrifically. What I love most about Tiny Made's work is her creativity!

  13. I love the clothes that I have bought for my daughter from tinytmade!!! I'd love to see more knot dresses as I'm addicted to the ones she makes haha, and some more boy outfits as I also have a son that loves monsters!

  14. Thanks for all the wonderful comments and suggestions. Yes, I really need more boys boys keep reminding me! :) Good luck to all of you in the giveaway!!
