
Friday, October 22, 2010

My Creative Space - Holiday Tags

I felt I'm behind with the prep for this 2010 holiday season. I felt that I could do more. Buy hey, we only have 24 hrs in a day and being able to juggle my works being a mom, a wife, an on-line shops owner and the only employee, on top of my full-time job, maybe I should give myself a break. Don't you think so? :-)So, here are 2 sets of my holiday tags. 

One is the holiday cheer tags.

And here is another set of adorable christmas tags.

Each set comes in a set of 12 for $3.50. A sweet deal!

Oh, I still have more tags available in my shop. And I'm working on a few more holiday tags along with holiday cards. Once I finish taking pictures of them, I'll list these sweet goodies real soon.

What are you working on?

For more creative space of other artists, visit kootoyoo site. But while you're here, enter a wonderful giveaway and support handmade!

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