
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday Artisan: Seraphina Rose

Meet Jessica, our Saturday Artisan! Jessica is the artist and owner of Seraphina Rose, the children's clothing shop with a little bit of fun and a little bit of funky. She has a section at her shop, called Pink Ribbon, where she donate 60% of the sales to the American Cancer Society Relay for Life.

Jess wears a lot of hats just like me and most moms, so we can relate to her chaos days so well. Learn how she promotes her shop!

In her own words, I am a mother of two (3 1/2, 8 mos) and I work part time as an addictions counselor. I love all crafts, but mostly I love scrapbooking and sewing. I began (as many do) by making some stuff for my kid, and figured I could try to share my passion with other cute kids!

My favorite item is the Skladdaugh - not so much a favorite on etsy, haven't sold any of them, but I love it! a little bit of edge, a little bit of irish... My best seller... I'm not sure there is one thing... people like the zoo animals... those are kinda big sellers!

My goal for 2010 is to get noticed more. I have a new heat press that allows me to create digital images and print almost anything, and i love it! I've been trying to do a lot of promoting and talking to others. There are so many places to promote, it becomes a lot of work very quickly. I'm not as on track with that as I'd like - because I have 2 kids that I stay home with along with my part time job evenings/ weekends, but I'm chugging away as much as I can! I am, however, much much more noticed now than I was a few months ago! so i'm getting somewhere! 

 Right now, my promoting is on Facebook, on Twitter, on a blog, and on mom forums. there are a few forums that I'll pop into, and that brings in a lot of views. sometimes I'll show up in the etsy forums, too. with facebook, I'm doing a lot of fanning other artists and leaving link love posts, which brings the fans right back to me!

My favorite tool right now that I cannot live without is my heat press. it allows me to do so many different things! I've been doing fabric appliques for a while, and they look great, but they are not as time-effective as the heat-pressed items!


  1. Her work is beautiful!!! I love them!

    She´s very talended!

  2. I would love to see more tattoo inspired items in her shop. Her work is fabulous!

  3. I really admire that she's an addictions counselor!

    I'd love to see more female superhero t-shirts: wonder woman, maybe some of the female X-men. I would want to give my nieces superhero shirts, but just taking a male design and making it pink doesn't cut it for me. :(

    urchiken at gmail dot com

  4. What a great feature! Her work is beautiful!

  5. She looks too young to be a mom of 2! I also admire her for her heart for cancer victims.

    The designs are really funky!
    Rock on!

    calejbitsvyk at gmail dot com

  6. I admire that's Jessica's a part-time working mom, running her own business, and raising two little ones! Wow! Talk about Super Woman! I found the interview interesting because I learned how much effort it takes to get your store promoted, but the effort does seem to be paying off for Jessica! Congrats!

  7. Her Etsy shop is great. It is amazing she balances so much in her life. I like the animals too I would like to see Owls. They are so cute on Baby clothing.
