
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Perfect You

In mid-December 2010, I met a sweet friend, Hillary of a Slice of Delight on twitter. We found out that we have something in common (among other things): we love to scrapbook but we don't have much time to scrapbook these days.

So...we agree to challenged ourselves to create at least a page. The deadline was 15th of Jan.

On this page my little one was only about 6 months old. He is now 3 so you can tell how far behind I am. Lol. The only solution to solve this problem is: first, stop taking pictures and two, scrapbook it one page at a time. I, however, refuse to do the first step. haha, and maybe one day I'll catch up with my own project. But seriously, I need to keep up and if you have an idea how I can accomplish this mission, do let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for your visit my blog and entering my giveaway!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

