
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday Artisan: Delightfully Noted

Meet Jennifer of Delightfully Noted, our Saturday Artisan this week. You know I am a paper lover so, loving her shop is not hard at all. Pretty designs with a clean look. Let's get to know her a bit more, shall we? 

Tell us a bit about yourself and what arts/ crafts that you make?
I am a Midwestern girl with a love for all things paper! I wish I could claim that I was a professional graphic designer but in reality I am a self-taught wannabe. The thought of opening a stationery/invitation shop came to me while planning my own wedding a few years ago. It took a curve ball thrown at my family for me to realize life is too short not to chase our dreams, thus Delightfully Noted was born! 

I now spend LOTS of time creating custom birthday invitations, stationery, and other paper goodies. When I am not playing with paper you can find me either at my day job at a local university or hanging out with my hubby and our 2 mischievous miniature daschunds in our Chicago suburban home. 

I am a book and sushi lover who despises mornings yet I love a good laugh (just not first thing in the morning!) A matter fact when I meet a new person the first thing I think is; can I imagine having a full out, belly aching, practically peeing our pants moment with you? If so, then you and I are going to get be friends for a long time! 

Which part of creation process that you like to do the most? 
My favorite part is designing the graphic images for my paper goods. There is no better feeling then seeing my random ideas come together in a final design (well okay perhaps wining the lottery would be a better feeling but still….) I also love the packaging process before I mail an order out.

Could you share on how your organize your products, we all can use a little tips here and there in this department? 
It is a never ending battle in keeping my crafts and supplies organized! When I first opened Delightfully Noted I scoured the local dollar store for cute baskets and storage organizers to store my envelopes, craft punches, ribbon, etc... I set those up on a folding table in our basement. Above the table I strung some twine and clipped my cards and designs on there. In my mind I have an image of one day creating those perfectly cute craft closets you see in Better Home and Gardens!

What is your best seller? My best sellers tend to be holiday oriented; like my pumpkin/little wagon Halloween invitation. Other then that it is by far the custom birthday packages.

How do you balance your personal and work life? I am still working on finding the right balance between working a full time job (that requires traveling at times) versus running a shop while trying to maintain all the chores and errands that your home and life require on a daily basis. At the same time you don’t want your husband to forget your name either! 

What inspires you? 
Everything! Wrapping paper, kid’s clothing, rugs…My Floral Bridal Shower Invitation was inspired by a bed comforter I saw in a catalog. 

What is your goal for 2011? And what is your plan to keep it on the right track?
My goals are to focus a lot more on marketing and promoting Delightfully Noted, whether that is through blogs or social networking sites geared towards women entrepreneurs. I would like to introduce new paper products other then cards in my line as well. I am still working on what those items may be. Also, if you are in this biz all you ever hear is you need a blog so perhaps I may establish a venue where I can babble some more. Most importantly, I want to continue providing great quality products to my customers. If I ever feel like I am creating something for a price that I would never pay for it well then it is time to re-evaluate my business! 

Stay-tuned for tomorrow's giveaway. I can't wait!


  1. I've been to her store and would love to see more designs for family note cards set :)

  2. I can see why graphic imaging is her favourite part of the entire creation process, it really shows through her work! You know what my biggest problem with monogrammed stationary is though (as much as I love it) is I'm a 'single' mom of my daughter living with my boyfriend. We would certainly not use each others last names or group us all under one family name and I would not group myself under her last name (of my ex) I'm sure you can see the dilema of trying to monogram 3 names, each with a seperate last name to a card lol.

  3. You really seem to love what you do and it shows! I am planning my daughter's party right now, so might I suggest some older girl themes? We are doing a "cherry" party :).

    rennieangie at gmail dot com

  4. Going to the dollar store to buy little bins to stay organized is a great and cheap way to store items. Great tip!

  5. I love paper, personalized goods, AND stationery so your shop is a dream! I would love to see your fun style in more professional sets though, meaning those that incorporate your sweet colours and patterns but in a more business sense?

    reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com

  6. I love that you have two weenie dogs! My boyfriend has one named Hammy

    Cerena Leigh

  7. i love the fact that you take your inspiration from everything surrounds you. i think this way of thinking makes your products more friendly and lovely.

  8. Thank you everyone for the feedback and lovely comments. Definately gives me some ideas to work with:) Thanks Nat also for the feature! So much fun.
