
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday Artisan: FotogirlCreations

Beautiful Sunshine here at the West Coast this morning. What a great day!

I'm pleased to introduce you to Shauna of FotogirlCreations. I'm glad to know this Canadian gal from Alberta. I love how her photography captures the beautiful prairie where she lives.

Tell us a bit about yourself and what arts/ crafts that you make?
My name is Shauna and I live in a small town outside of Medicine Hat, Alberta. I got into photography all because of my children! When they were born I started scrapbooking their every moment but I found that I didn't like most of the photos that I took. I decided to join the Medicine Hat Photography Club in the hopes that I would learn how to use my camera and learn about composition. From there things just kind of progressed. I loved photography! Since joining the club, I have entered competitions and won a few medals and ribbons. Last summer, I found out about textures and layering and started making my photos look more like art. Not that photography isn't art already :) After that, I had a bunch of friends and family tell me they that they love my photos and that I should try to sell them. My sister is a huge home online shopper so she knew all about Etsy and told me to join. So I did! I still have a lot to learn though. I think it is a never ending process! At the moment I just sell prints and any of them can be made into cards. Here are a few examples:

Which part of creation process that you like to do the most?
I love it all! From the taking the photos to the adding textures and processing. I can sit for hours and do both!

What inspires you?
Life inspires me at me every turn. There isn't anything that doesn't amaze me! My greatest love is taking outdoor photos. This world is unbelievable!

What is your goal for 2011? And what is your plan to keep it on the right track?
I actually have a bunch of goals right now! One is to just get noticed!!!! I joined Etsy in October and have been trying very hard to make some sales. Thanks to Nat for helping me! I plan on expanding to make journals with my photos. I have a friend that wants me to start selling at our local farmer's market as well. I plan on also taking some photography classes. I think they would be so much fun! I normally work part-time at our college taking notes for students with disabilities but thanks to government cuts I am pretty sure I won't be going back. That will leave me with all my time to be devoted to photography and Etsy! Yahoo!

What is your favourite tool that you cannot live without?
I could not live without my Nikon! Or my computer!! I am always taking pictures. Whether it is on holidays, watching my kids or just out and about travelling.

How do you promote your shop?
I promote on Facebook, Canoe and my blog . I also make treasuries and get on the forums when I can. I have tried the chat rooms but I am not a huge fan of them so I usually stay away. I have also been trying out Zazzle. Not sure about that site though. I was also given some great advice about groups on Facebook for promoting like Etsy Promo Love, On Fire for Handmade, Etsy Treasure Lover and Top Etsy Shops from another lady. Her shop is Through the Woods. That is the greatest part about Etsy! Everyone is so friendly and willing to help each other.

Fall in love with her photos yet? Check out more of these beautiful shots at her shop. Don't forget to come back here tomorrow to check out the new giveaway.

Enter these Current giveaways:


  1. I love your work, although I must say some of your photographs are "lonely looking". I'm sure that is the result you are trying to achieve. I happen to like it. Don't know what that says about me. You have an excellent eye for what is a striking photo. Keep up the good work.


  2. Babe, I never even thought of my photos as lonely looking!! I don't know what that says about me either, hahahaha! I just take photos of what I love and I hope that others feel the same way about them as I do. I am so glad that you love them! Thank you!!!


  3. I think it's wonderful that you help take notes for students with disabilities. I mentor high school students - so I know how important it is to give these deserving people academic help so they can achieve their potential!

  4. (oh crap, i have just deleted my comment by mistake. :D)

    however, I wanted to say that some of your photos broke my heart ... but in a good way because it made me stop for a moment and think about it. very intimate and simply beautiful. wish you all the best!

  5. Hi Amber,

    I DID take notes for students with disabilities. Since I wrote the above, I did lose my job to the cuts. The college no longer hires note takers or exam readers. I also used to read their exams. I am not sure what they are going to do now :( It is too bad. I think the students can still get another classmate to write their notes and they may have their exams read by a computer somehow. At least I hope!!
    Thank you for taking the time to read about me!


  6. Masha,

    Thank you so much for the beautiful words about my photos! I am glad they moved you so.

    Take care!

  7. Great Photos! I would love to see more photos about plants if possible? :) Maginificent photos! :)

  8. Hi Alvin! You'll have to wait to see some plants. We are freezing right now here and under a ton of snow, hahaha! I just can't wait until spring. Glad you enjoy my photos!

  9. Outdoor photos are so beautiful! Nature is very inspiring. I am an oil painter and find that outdoor paintings are very beautiful to paint as well.

  10. I agree! I would rather take pictures of the outdoors than anything else in the world!

  11. I think Shauna is a very talented artist...I need some more of her artwork for my walls! Fantastic work!!!
