
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday Artisan: Lulie Chic

This is the first day I'm blogging right in my new home. Yei!! And I'm proud to introduce you to Julie of Lulie Chic, an Etsy shop fulls of sweet and stylish hair accessories for little girls. 

Julie was so kind to send me a few bows for my nieces. These beautiful bows arrived a couple of days ago. Sweet Gena is wearing one of them. A pretty hair clip for a pretty girl.

These bows are made from high-quality ribbons and hair clips. She adds non-slip grip to each one of them, making sure it stays put in the little girl's hair. That's little thing adds to the perfection. Not only it's beautiful but it's also practical. 

Tell us a bit about yourself and what arts/ crafts that you make?
I am a mother of two wonderful daughters (ages 1 and 4) and wife to a very loving and computer-savvy husband. I work in the Human Resources Field but in my spare time (what little is left after taking care of two kids, husband, dog and a house!) I LOVE making hair bows and accessories. It started as a little pet project while my first daughter was slowly growing hair. After a while, it became a little obssession...I just had to make a bow to match every one of her outfits! Friends and family started noticing and asked if I could make some for them and their friends. Once I had my second daughter (yeah more bows to make!), my best friend and I decided to start an Etsy shop since we were both stay at home moms with nothing better to do (ha ha). Our store was a HUGE success, well we like to think so. 

In the 5 months that we have been open, we reached 200 sales, 200 shop hearts and 200 Facebook fans! My friend has since opened up her own shop (Lulie Decor Designs, specializing in Personalized Custom Wedding and Baby Picture Frames). My shop sells all kinds of hair bows: simple ones, patterned, tuxedo bows, pinwheels bows, korker bows, boutique bows and recently headbands! I have bows for all year wear and also for holidays. Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day and Halloween have been A LOT of fun! You can check out our listings, promotions and giveaways by becoming a fan on Facebook.

Which part of creation process that you like to do the most?
I love the initial part of the creation process which for me is putting together colours and patterns to come up with unique and fun bows! There are so many colours and designs out there so the possibilities are endless. I get inspiration from the clothes my daughters wear, especially during holidays. Christmas is the best!

For us who love to travel, could you share a bit about your beautiful town/ city? Pictures will be great :-)
I live in beautiful Ottawa, Canada! I have my whole life and don't want to leave anytime soon. Well, I wouldn't say no to sunny Florida as it can get quite cold here in the winter! And my family are huge Disney Lovers so we consider Disney World to be our second home!

What is your best seller?
Personalized Hair Clip and sets of choose your own colour/patterns.

How do you balance your personal and work life? 
Very carefully! While I was on Maternity leave, it was a little easier and I was able to do some work during the day while my girls napped. Now I am back at work so I need to carefully plan my evenings. After dinner and the kids' bedtime, I check on my store, see what orders I have and what promotions I need to take care of. Once a week, my husband and I do a movie night to keep us both sane and the weekends are busy with swimming, errands, cleaning but I find time to work on my store...usually late at night! 

Saving money is important; tell us one thing that you do to save money? 
I have found several online suppliers that sell great quality ribbon for great prices. I try to buy large quantities of clips and ribbon so I can save on shipping costs. If I buy things in stores, I make sure I have coupons or buy during sales!Stay-tuned for tomorrow's giveaway! In the meantime, do enter to win Blossom Pink Earrings.


  1. I love learning about Etsy shops and I love supporting handmade items.

    When I vised the Etsy shop I noticed the rainbow of colour...fabric...I wonder how many clour options are there and perhpas a and have you thought about more mix and match items...

  2. I agree that initial time is very exciting, some ideas and inspiration are still in your hair and its a surprise what you will get in the end - the new sweet piece of art creation:-)


  3. Congratulations on reaching 200 sales in such a short period of time, I'm not at all surprised considering that all items in the shop are so sweet and adorable. I love the choice of colors, very soft and very feminine.

    I especially like the personalized hair clippies and would love to see more variety in this area.

    Thanks for sharing with us. Hugs!

  4. Wow, I admire you for being able to accomplish all this! For the giveaway we're asked to suggest what we'd like to see? I love the other kind of headbands (the stiff kind):) annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com

  5. Oops...I forgot to say why I like to see the other kind of headband..for me they sometimes seem to fit better. annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com
