
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday Artisan: One of a Kind Baby Design

Meet Heather, the creative mind behind One of a Kind Baby Design in Etsy. Don't be fool by the shop's name as not only she specializes in hand painted growth charts, baby cross stitch patterns and bibs, baby gifts, baby shower gifts, she now offers home decor gifts, wedding and engagement gifts.

Tell us a bit about yourself and what arts/ crafts that you make?
I am a SAHM mom of three wonderful children ages 6,4, & 2. I have always enjoyed creating and crafting and have made many items for my children. I started by creating a growth chart for my children and had so many requests from others for one that it blossomed from there. I was recently introduced to Etsy and decided to offer my growth charts on Etsy. Since then I have also offered other items that I enjoy crafting as well. I find that creating different pieces helps me relax and stay centered.

Which part of creation process that you like to do the most?
The finished product is the best feeling in the world. I love to see how my ideas came together and how I was able to create them with my hands. There is such a sense of pride and satisfaction when you see the project come to life from the concept in your mind.

How does your day go in general?
My mornings are crazy with kid stuff and school, but I have a few hours in the afternoon that I reserve for painting/crafting and then my evenings are spent with my husband talking and watching TV while I create and craft.

What inspires you?
My children are truly my inspiration, I enjoy making items for them, and I also enjoy creating things that they find beautiful. Hearing my girls ooh and aah over something I have created just really makes it more special. Also, a lot of what I create is inspired by my home. I enjoy displaying my creations in my home so I try and make things that fit in with my home and décor.

Saving money is important; tell us one thing that you do to save money?
All of my kids and myself are avid readers we could spend a fortune on books if money actually did grow on trees. Since it doesn't, we utilize our local trade-in bookstore and trade in our old books and use the resulting credit to get new books. I love that we are fostering a love of reading so early in their life and that it really doesn't cost me anything (or much depending on how overboard I go).

Stay-tuned for tomorrow's giveaway!


  1. Heather's shop has such cute things!

  2. You should make a few more modern looking pieces of jewelry because that will attract those types of people to your website.

  3. I absolutely agree that children are truly inspire to create and just have fun!

    Great interview!


  4. I was just wondering, are those adorable monsters made from recycled/reused material? I absolutely love recycling. Also, I love reading and a bookstore we have around here that sells used books has huge discounts on comic book day (first Saturday in May.) Check for this types of holidays, your book store might have good discounts as well and who doesn't want to get a book for $0.25?
