
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday Artisan: Lilly's Lucky Penny

Meet April (Penny's Mom) & Kara (Lilly's Mom), two sisters that works together offering vintage toys and books for children at Lilly's Lucky Penny. There are something about vintage items that I adore, the story and memories that they have being passed on to next generation. I really wish that I still have my toys that I could pass on to my son, but unfortunately I didn't get a chance to take them with me when I moved here in Canada. Most of you knows that I'm a mom to a little man and I'd bet he loves this pick up truck.

So without further adue, let's get to know these 2 womens, April and Kara. 

Tell us a bit about yourself
We are two sisters who have fairly recently become moms together. Our girls are both under two years old and keep us real busy when we're not at work or school. We both love to garden and neither of us like to cook, luckily the men in our lives do otherwise we'd only eat red vines and hummus (not together!) for supper. 

Why vintage store for children? When we were shopping for our girls, we were drawn to Fisher Price and other toys we played with when we were kids. We ended up finding more stuff than we had room for in our homes but we didn't want to stop looking.

What is the story behind your shop name? 
Our little girls, Lilly and Penny, were the inspiration for our shop so it was a no-brainer that our Etsy shop would carry their names. 

Could you share on how your organize your products, we all can use a little tips here and there in this department? 
We organize the store in a way that we would like to shop it if we were the customer in a physical store. We put all the fun attention-grabbers in the front and the browsing-type stuff in the middle and our bookstore is at the end.

How do you balance your personal and work life? Leave your work at work! It's easy to do when you walk through the door at home and are greeted with big toothy smiles and outstretched arms from your kids. If we have time at the end of the day and when the kids are in bed and the dishes and laundry are done, we try to get some more of our inventory up on Etsy, Every couple of weeks we have a Friday playdate for the girls, and Happy Hour for us girls and we'll bang out a bunch of Etsy stuff - it makes it less work and more personal when we can do it together.

Stay-tuned for tomorrow's giveaway!


  1. I so agree with you on leaving work at work-- AND loving to garden, but not to cook! :-) It's so nice that you are able to get the girls together for playdates-- they're making memories (and relationships) that will last forever! It's fun to browse your vintage items at Lilly's Lucky Penny ( love the idea for that name! )-- like taking a stroll back in time!

  2. I love your shop! So much great stuff. I would prefer to see the bookstore more prominent though, since those are my favorite items in your store.

  3. Love the vintage toys and books in your shop! :)

  4. We loved the books, too. The toys in front of our shop are the real attention-grabbers. And we have SO many books that the middle of our store would get bogged down with them. Thanks for featuring us and checking us out!

  5. I liked the fact that the part she likes about vintage is passing it down from generation to generation . It becomes a learning experience because each decade is different then the last .
