
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday Artisan: Sybillinart

Happy Saturday! It's sunshine right here in westcoast, and it's a pleasure for me to introduce you to our Saturday Artisan, Sybilline aka Sabine of Sybillinart. She is a decoupage artist and we share the same passion in papers: scrapbooking, cardmaking etc. I've met Sabine through my natsupplies shop and we've been in touch ever seen through Etsy, twitter and Facebook and enjoy our friendship. Do you have your morning coffee ready? I do! :-) Sip it and enjoy the interview.

Tell us a bit about yourself and what arts/ crafts that you make?
I was born in France and lived there for 30 years; My Family moved to Canada 10 years ago to build a new life and we love it. I discovered the new decoupage technique on a French internet forum and I think I can say that I have mastered it now!. I also like other paper crafts like cardmaking, tags… 

For us who love to travel, could you share a bit about your beautiful town/ city? I am sure everybody will love that part as I am from France! Not far from Paris but I prefer the country side.

What is your best seller? I can say that may best seller are my switch plates; Last November I sold more than 70 at the craft shows I was in. But my boxes are also appreciated. 

How do you promote your shop? 
I use Facebook, Twitter and some forums and blogs.

Any advice for others running their on-line shop?
Starting an online shop is not an easy task! You not only need to read all the good advice that you can find but understand them and apply them to your shop, like good tagging, good pictures, being part of a team (on Etsy)… I was very happy to follow some of them like the one to build our own light box. But sometimes it might take time to do them all or just understand them.

Saving money is important; tell us one thing that you do to save money? Like a lot of crafters, I like to upcycle and reuse; One of the product that people like the most is this pencil holder that I make with tin can (I don’t sell those in my shop because of the shipping rate) ; I also keep some soap dispenser and decorate them to coordinate my home décor! I reuse old CDs to make Christmas ornaments or cards that’s just a few examples!

If you want to learn how to decoupage, visit her blog for the tutorial. 

Stay-tuned for tomorrow's giveaway! 

Don't forget to enter the 2 current giveaways we have: $25 Gift Certificate 3 Handmade Greeting Cards


  1. great blog! sharing her love of France and bringing it over to our side of the globe in the lovely collage/decoupage art she does
    Mosaics by Gina on facebook loves it!

  2. I love your shop, and the fact that you recycle!
    You do exceptionally good work.


  3. Nice to see you again Sabine! Loved meeting you and your family in Calgary.

  4. the store has great selections, my suggestion is maybe add more variety of products such as more home decor products.

    My REVIEW & GIVEAWAY blog:

  5. Thanks for the interview! (: It's so interesting to know that you are from France! Love your art work! (ps. I'm from canada too!)

  6. I'm always happy to see people upcycling and giving objects a second life! :)

  7. I learned starting an online shop is not easy and that you need to do your research on it .

  8. Great shop and recycling sounds good but I would like to suggest to variate your stuff (not only having several things in different colours)

  9. wow! I admire Sabine for being creative and environment-friendly. I hope she continue upcycling. :)

  10. Me and my sister have used old Cds to make Christmas decorations too! :)
    I really like your shop, especially your earrings :)

  11. France! It must be spectactular. And such a place surely might give you the sensitivity to do all the well crafted, delicate pieces you make.
    Thank you for the decoupage tips! :)
