Friday, January 23, 2015

A Few Updates

Hello friends!

It's been a while since I haven't posted anything other than Saturday Artisan and Giveaway posts. So here it is, just a glimpse of what I've been up to.

Talking about the year 2015, I can say that Adorebynat had a good start. I've been kept busy with steady sales and hope that it continues.

There are so many social media that we need to keep up with and sadly my blog seems to be the one I tend to neglect. I should not though. So far, I have managed to keep up with my Facebook Page and Instagram. Thanks to the auto-posting tools out there that updates made on my FB and IG are automatically tweeted.

A lot of my updates are about my recent projects. I take pictures of my finished orders and share them on FB or IG and I let my customers know to take a sneak peek while waiting for their orders to arrive.  That hopefully will lessen the uncertainty that they may have.

I also post my giveaways and sale...which remind me to share with you here that everything in my shop is 25% off now.

I like to share pictures of what's going on in my personal life. Nothing too personal, but something that would let people know that there is a real person behind Adorebynat.

Here is a snapshot of my desk. I took this picture as part of the #CreativeDaily challenge started by Lu & Ed.

I just started this and I don't do it every day. As of now, I don't force myself to commit to this challenge on a daily basis. I'll do it when I can and slowly once I get used to it, I hope I can post every day.

Wanelo Savers group at Artfire has changed its name to Partner in Promotion. The new name certainly is more appropriate since we promote each other in different social media. In fact, a few including me are no longer doing wanelo. Thanks to Anna of Craftsofthepast who is diligently curating a collection for us.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Giveaway from Birthday Blocks: Custom Made Blocks

Megan generously is offering a set of custom-made blocks - any design you like! 

Win one set of Birthday Blocks or a set of Name Blocks from Birthday Blocks., up to six letters. 

Learn more about Megan, the artist behind this great shop, here yesterday Saturday Artisan post

Visit one of her shops: 

Number of winner: 1 (One)

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Contest starts now and ends on February 3, 2015. Contest opens to Worldwide (Free Shipping to US only). Open to Legal Residents (18 years of age or older). Don't forget to leave me a way to contact you. Entries without contact information will be disqualified. Entries that do not follow the rules will be disqualified. Contest winner will be drawn on February 4th. Winner will be selected by and be notified by e-mail. Adorebynat is not responsible for sponsors that do not fulfill their prizes. I have represented each sponsor with the expectation they will fulfill their prizes and in a timely manner. Winner must respond within 48 hours after being contacted otherwise another winner will be randomly selected. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED.

Don't forget to check out other current giveaway here.Would you like to be featured as a Saturday Artisan and sponsor a giveaway?Here is how to apply.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Saturday Artisan: Birthday Blocks

Meet Megan, our Saturday Artisan

I adore her shop, Birthday Blocks. There are a lot of cuteness going around and if you are looking for a baby shower gift, her shop maybe one of the places you want to stop by.

Without further adue, let's get to know Megan.

Tell us a bit about yourself and what arts/ crafts you make?

I'm a full-time working wife and mother of two beautiful boys, ages 4 and 3 months. When I'm not working my at 40hr job or on Birthday Blocks, I also write a crafting blog, C'mon Get Crafty. I like to be busy!

I started my Birthday Blocks business after being inspired by so many post of friends showing their little ones' monthly growth photos. I love the custom orders I get, since I get to create new designs all the time! 

What is the story behind your shop name?  

Haha, I suppose it isn't that brilliant of a name; Birthday Blocks. I designed my block sets since I saw mostly stickers being used to capture baby monthly growth photos. The name just made sense! :)

Who is your target market?

My blocks are very popular with the baby shower crowds! :) I've gotten many referral orders from other soon to be mothers or their friends seeing Birthday Blocks given to another at a shower. 

Which part of creation process that you enjoy the most?

Designing! Trying to come up with that new element that will grab the customer's attention and make them fall in love with the piece. 

For us who love to travel, could you share a bit about your beautiful town/ city? 

I started my business while living in Las Vegas, and I must say I fell in love with the city during our five years there. However, I'm back in Illinois with my own true love, Chicago. If you've never been, you must visit! Try for May. Best weather is in May. :) 

Could you share on how your organize your products, we all can use a little tips here and there in this department?

I am fortunate to have a beautiful office/craft room with built in cabinets in our new home. I've had a lot of fun organizing my supplies, and plan to blog about it soon!

What is your best seller?

I would guess my Puppy Sports Birthday Blocks, which were designed to complement the Lambs & Ivy Bow Wow Nursery Collection. 

What sets you aparts from your competitors?

I don't know of anyone who does what I do; my creations are unique (as far as I am aware!)

What does handmade mean to you?

There are so many artisans out there, people who put so much time and effort into creating new products for others to enjoy. Mostly, handmade to me means to love; if you didn't love what you were doing, you probably wouldn't do it. It isn't easy to make money off of handmade items, so there's no motive there. You just have a love of creating, and you want to share it!

If you could invent a machine, what would it be?     

A teleportation device!

Please check and like her FB page:

Would you like to be featured as a Saturday Artisan and sponsor a giveaway? Here is how to apply.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Giveaway from Ovella Wool: a six Pack of the Terra Collection Wool Dryer Balls

Win this set of amazing Wool Dryer Balls from Ovella Wool. This set of 6 dryer balls comes from Terra Collection and  is worth $27.95

Learn more about Justen, the artist behind this great shop, here on yesterday's Saturday Artisan post. 

Number of winner: 1 (One)

NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY. The contest starts now and ends on January 19, 2014. The contest opens to US and Canada. Open to Legal Residents (18 years of age or older). Don't forget to leave me a way to contact you. Entries without contact information will be disqualified. Entries that do not follow the rules will be disqualified. The contest winner will be drawn on January 20th. The winner will be selected by and notified by e-mail. Adorebynat is not responsible for sponsors that do not fulfill their prizes. I have represented each sponsor with the expectation they will fulfill their prizes in a timely manner. The winner must respond within 48 hours after being contacted otherwise another winner will be randomly selected. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED.

Don't forget to check out other current giveaways here. Would you like to be featured as a Saturday Artisan and sponsor a giveaway? Here is how to apply.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Saturday Artisan: Ovella Wool

Happy New Year!

Welcome to our first Saturday Artisan post of 2015. 

Say hello to Justen, the owner and artist of Ovella Wool. Natural is always better. Saving energy is even more fantastic. 

Get to know Justen and her amazing wool dryer balls, shall we?

Tell us a bit about yourself and what arts/ crafts that you make?

I am a mom, first and foremost, to three, Aiden 8, Carly 4, and Parker 2. I have been married for over 10 years to my high school sweetheart, and while it has been a rough going, we always come out on top. We live in Midland Michigan, not far from the small town we grew up in. I work full time at the post office delivering mail. Ovella wool is relatively new, while I have been working with wool for a few years, the company was basically formed on a whim! I currently make wool dryer balls and am working on adding felted soaps to my store. My specialty is hand dyeing with natural dyes. It has become an addiction!

What is the story behind your shop name?  

Ovella is Galician for sheep. I am a huge Outlander fan and had originally wanted to incorporate Gaelic words in the shop, but "Caora" wasn't what I was going for. I believe my finger slipped to Galician and before I knew it, I had a name. I also use Galician words for the dryer ball collections. 

Who is your target market?

My targeted market is anyone who is looking reduce their carbon footprint on the plant, wants to save money, wants to reduce chemicals in their home, and who is just looking for natural products.

Which part of creation process that you enjoy the most?

My favorite part is packaging the dryer balls up and sending them out! I hope that people are happy with their purchases and enjoy using my product!

Could you share on how your organize your products, we all can use a little tips here and there in this department?

The organization of Ovella is evolving. All of my supplies are currently located in the closet in our bedroom! They tend to take up a lot of space, and even more so when I return home from the wool processor! 12 pounds of wool tends to take up half the closet! 

What is your best seller?

The Crema Collection is my best seller. It is a natural ivory color and requires the least amount of overall time so they are the cheapest collection for Ovella.

What sets you aparts from your competitors?

My dryer balls are soft! From my understanding, most of the name-brand balls are small and dense, mine are soft and light!

How do you balance your personal and work life?

I am currently in the process of learning this one! I tend to work six days a week at the post office, so my evenings include helping the kids with homework, getting dinner around, cleaning up the house, laundry, and finally getting the kids in bed so I can work with my wool! 

What inspires you?

Working with my hands. I have always enjoyed the hands on approach to everything in life, and have always wanted to own my own business. This is the best of both worlds to me, and I get to make money by doing it! 

What was your goal for 2014?  And are you on the right track?

My goal is to get my name out there! I believe that is happening. I have held fundraisers for a local charity, and have had multiple giveaways. Most customers are impressed with the quality and performance of my dryer balls. I also have had the pleasure of supplying wool dryer balls to two stores here in Michigan. Also, to work even more with natural dyes. The colors are amazing and am happy that I have been able to create them without any extra chemicals!

What is the key to success?

Any advice for others running their on-line shop?
Be patient. Sales are still slow for me, but I believe that just like anything else, good things come to those who wait.

What does handmade mean to you?

Handmade means taking pride in your work. You want you work to be a reflection of you, and that is what I try to do. From the packaging to the quality control, I inspect each and every dryer ball to make sure that it is perfect.

Please check and like her FB page:

Would you like to be featured as a Saturday Artisan and sponsor a giveaway? Here is how to apply.