There are three giveaways contests going on now:
Have a great week everyone! I'll see ya soon :-)
Monday, January 31, 2011
Giveaway Winner of Glassimo
So who is the lucky winner winning this beautiful autumn inspired necklace from Glassimo? Congratulations Miha (no 104)! You're surely a lucky one :-)
Thank you so much Judit for your generosity.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Polka Dot Donut Pushpins Giveaway from Emariecreations
Win this beautiful set of Polka Dot Donut Pushpins, sponsored by Samantha of Emariecreations.
Get to know Samantha our Saturday Artisan this week. She is the artist behind Emariecreations. More information is on yesterday's post.
There are many ways to enter. Please make sure you leave a separate comment for every entry.
How to enter to win:
Mandatory entry:
- Go to Emariecreations shop. Return to my Adore By Nat blog and simply leave a comment here about your favorite item from her store.
- Earn 2 entries - Go to yesterday's post to know her more. Leave a comment there (yesterday's post) on at least one the following: what you learn from the interview, what you want to see more on her shop and why, or any constructive feedbacks are always appreciated. Come back here and leave 2 comments that you did, to ensure your entries are counted.
- Heart Emariecreations (1 entry). Simply let us know your Etsy username.
- Follow my adorebynat blog (1 entry). If you're already a follower, you still get an entry, just says you're following already.
- Like my Adorebynat Facebook Page. I`d love you to say 'hi' there (don`t be a stranger!) and come back here to leave comment (1 entry). If you liked my FB page already, you still can say hi and earn 1 entry.
- Follow adorebynat on twitter (1 entry).
- Tweet about this giveaway, add "@adorebynat " in your tweet. (1 entry).
- Blog about this giveaway to earn 2 entries. Leave two separate comments here please providing me with the link to your post.
- Be creative and share the love! Refer your friends and family to enter this giveaway. Use your social media (other than twitter and blog) to shout out this giveaway. As long as you provide me a link or a way to confirm it, you'll earn 2 entries (two separate comments).
- Purchase an item from Emariecreations and earn 10 entries for each purchase. Don't forget letting us know by leaving comments :-)
Contest starts now and ends on February 12, 2011. Contest opens worldwide.
Don't forget to leave me a way to contact you. Entries without contact information will be disqualified. Entries that do not follow the rules will be disqualified. Contest winner will be drawn on Sunday, February 13 by a random number generator, by the artist herself. Winner must respond within 48 hours after being contacted otherwise another winner will be randomly selected.Saturday, January 29, 2011
Saturday Artisan: Emariecreations
Happy Saturday!
Meet this week our Saturday Artisan, Samantha, the artist behind a cute shop full fun food-themed jewelries, charms, pushpins and many more called Emariecreations.
The colors are vibrant and they are sweet and adorable!! You know how much I love adorable goodies :-)
Tell us a bit about yourself and what arts/ crafts that you make?
I am in my late teens and love to create things out of polymer clay. I have been interested in this craft since an early age, but didn't really become serious about it until 3 or 4 years ago. My Etsy shop first started out with a few polymer clay tea sets, donuts and some headbands my older sister had made. Both my sister and I ran the shop until this past year, when I become the sole owner of the shop. I am very crafty, and love to come up with new designs for my clay. I absolutely love the colors that polymer clay comes in- it really opens up your imagination!
Which part of creation process that you like to do the most?
My favorite part would be the creating iteself. I love coming up with new ideas, and am thrilled when they come out of the oven looking just how I want them.
Could you share on how your organize your products, we all can use a little tips here and there in this department?
I buy little plastic dividers, similiar to what a jewelry maker might store their supplies. That is where I store my small supplies, like pushpins, magnets, earrings wires, etc. and a small items, like charms.
I also buy tall containers ( about 8-12" high) that have pull out drawers where I store jewelry bags, ribbon and gift wrap supplies, and other larger supplies.
This keep everything so nice and neat, which I love. I hate clutter. =)
What is your best seller?
Donut pushpins! I am shocked at how popular these have been. I never would have guessed that so many people would like them.
Do you have a favourite Etsy seller?
Wow, that is a hard question! I think I have over 40 pages of favorites!
Here are a few of my favorites:
WildWomanJewelry, CupcakeSocial, and EpicallyEpicSoap
What is your goal for 2011?
And what is your plan to keep it on the right track?
My goal is to make over 250 sales, and make sure to keep my shop better stocked. Just by keeping more items in my shop will help with the sales. I've found the 50 is my "magic" number- each time I get up to 50 items listed, I always seem to sell more!
I also started gift wrapping my items- it doesn't cost a whole lot more, and just adds that special touch to my items.
Stay-tuned for a new giveaway starting tomorrow. In the meantime, take a peek at Emariecreations and get ready to drool over if you haven't already :-)
Don't forget to visit her blog here.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Giveaway Winner of Wildemoon
Happy Tuesday!
Beth of Wildemoon has picked a winner of her giveaway.
Congratulations, Glo (#36)! I believe Beth has e-mailed you already. Please get back to her within 48 hrs after being contacted.
Thanks again Beth for your generosity and thanks to everyone who entered.
There are three giveaways contests going on now:
and they are all handmade!
Beth of Wildemoon has picked a winner of her giveaway.
Congratulations, Glo (#36)! I believe Beth has e-mailed you already. Please get back to her within 48 hrs after being contacted.
Thanks again Beth for your generosity and thanks to everyone who entered.
There are three giveaways contests going on now:
and they are all handmade!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Giveaway: Gumball Bracelet from Pikithins

Win this beautiful Gumball Bracelet, sponsored by Pikithins.
Get to know Carolina, the artist behind Pikithins. You'll learn a few things from the interview on yesterday's post.
There are many ways to enter. Please make sure you leave a separate comment for every entry.
How to enter to win:
Mandatory entry:
- Go to Pikithins shop. Return to my Adore By Nat blog and simply leave a comment here about your favorite item from her store.
- Earn 2 entries - Go to yesterday's post to know her more. Leave a comment there (yesterday's post) on at least one the following: what you learn from the interview, what you want to see more on her shop and why, or any constructive feedbacks are always appreciated.
Come back here and leave 2 comments that you did, to ensure your entries are counted.
- Heart Pikithins (1 entry). Simply let us know your Etsy username.
- Follow Pikithins blog(1 entry).
- Follow my adorebynat blog (1 entry). If you're already a follower, you still get an entry, just says you're following already.
- Like Pikithins FB page and kindly tell Carolina that Adorebynat sent you there. (1 entry).
- Like my Adorebynat Facebook Page. Don't forget to say hi to me there and come back here to leave comment (1 entry). If you liked my FB page already, you still can say hi and earn 1 entry.
- Follow Pikithins on twitter (1 entry).
- Follow adorebynat on twitter (1 entry).
- Tweet about this giveaway, add "@adorebynat " in your tweet. (1 entry).
- Blog about this giveaway to earn 2 entries. Leave two separate comments here please providing me with the link to your post.
- Be creative and share the love! Refer your friends and family to enter this giveaway. Use your social media (other than twitter and blog) to shout out this giveaway. As long as you provide me a link or a way to confirm it, you'll earn 2 entries (two separate comments).
- Purchase an item from Pikithins and earn 10 entries for each purchase. Don't forget letting us know by leaving comments :-)
Contest starts now and ends on February 5, 2011. Contest opens worldwide.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Saturday Artisan: Pikithins

Tell us a bit about yourself and what arts/ crafts that you make?
I live in New York by a marina. My love for crafts started in Jr. High School, when I was obsessed with Japanese culture (still am). I enjoyed Japanese character design, crafts, and pocky cracker sticks. When I reached college, I decided to study illustration because of that interest. I also studied in poetry, so I write as well. I mainly create bracelets and dolls but have dabbled in illustration, printmaking, painting, card making, and costume design.

What is your best seller?
The Hollow Bead Bird Charm bracelet. It originally was a birthday gift for someone. I tailored it for this person specifically because I wanted to show that I cared. However, I never got to give it to them, so I decided to put it in the shop one day after it sat on my desk for awhile. I was really surprised as to how successful it became. This bracelet is a reminder of a person I don’t have contact with anymore. The bird tries to fly, but its purpose is hollow, unfulfilled. The name fits, doesn’t it?

Color. Color. Color! It dictates the style and materials used in creating a Pikithins’ bracelet. I like my bracelets and dolls to have strong character, and through color I can achieve a bold, stylish, and cute personality. The color of the seasons is a huge factor in the design of my bracelets as well.
How do you balance your personal and work life?
I am a workaholic! I get so caught up in ideas and craft supplies, I forget to have a social life sometimes. I have one or two off days of putting crafts aside so I can breathe a little. I don’t want my brain to burst! During that time, I write stories or try getting in contact with my friends. My favorite thing to do though is to ride the boat to the city and watch the sunset in the park.

Any advice for others running their on-line shop?
If you have a lull in sales, don’t take it as a sign that you’ve done something wrong. Take initiative and promote yourself through blogs, passing out business cards, and talking to people who have the same interests as you do. Also take the time to go outside and get inspired. There is always room for new ideas and time to relax before you take the plunge in running your business!

Anything else you would like to share?
You can reach me at these links and check out what I’m up to!
Dream Blog:
Stay-tuned for a new giveaway starting tomorrow!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Giveaway 2 Pairs of Earrings from SundrySupply
Win 2 beautiful pairs of Earrings sponsored by SundrySupply.
These are already made earrings. You can get the supplies to make your own at SundrySupply shop where you will find custom designed, laser cut acrylic components for jewelry, mixed media, scrapbooking and other crafts.
There are many ways to enter. Please make sure you leave a separate comment for every entry.
How to enter to win:
Mandatory entry:
- Go to SundrySupply shop. Return to my Adore By Nat blog and simply leave a comment here about your favorite item from her store.
- Heart SundrySupply (1 entry). Simply let us know your Etsy username.
- Follow my adorebynat blog (1 entry). If you're already a follower, you still get an entry, just says you're following already.
- Like SundrySupply FB page and kindly tell SundrySupply that Adorebynat sent you there. (1 entry).
- Like my Adorebynat Facebook Page. Don't forget to say 'hi' to me there and come back here to leave comment (1 entry). If you liked my FB page already, you still can say hi and earn 1 entry.
- Follow adorebynat on twitter (1 entry).
- Tweet about this giveaway, add "@adorebynat " in your tweet. (1 entry).
- Blog about this giveaway to earn 2 entries. Leave two separate comments here please providing me with the link to your post.
- Be creative and share the love! Refer your friends and family to enter this giveaway. Use your social media (other than twitter and blog) to shout out this giveaway. As long as you provide me a link or a way to confirm it, you'll earn 2 entries (two separate comments).
- Purchase an item from SundrySupply and earn 10 entries for each purchase. Don't forget letting us know by leaving comments :-)
Contest starts now and ends on February 3, 2011. Contest opens to the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, EU, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Turkey, US.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Perfect You

So...we agree to challenged ourselves to create at least a page. The deadline was 15th of Jan.
On this page my little one was only about 6 months old. He is now 3 so you can tell how far behind I am. Lol. The only solution to solve this problem is: first, stop taking pictures and two, scrapbook it one page at a time. I, however, refuse to do the first step. haha, and maybe one day I'll catch up with my own project. But seriously, I need to keep up and if you have an idea how I can accomplish this mission, do let me know!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Wedding Day Cards

Happy Monday!
Just quickly popping in as I have tons of orders to do on top of some personal errands to do :-)
These are 3 cards that I created for a bride-to-be client. They are for mom, dad and her groom on her wedding day. Sweet sentiments and colors!
You can let readers on your blog know that this lucky bride-to-be LOVES her cards and cried when she saw them because they ARE SO PERFECT!!
You are the best, what a wonderful set of cards, you took my vision and made it perfect. Your talent is one to not be missed. Thank you so much, more than words can say!
Another sweet client that makes my day :-)
PS: don't forget to enter the giveaways that are currently going on.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Giveaway: Autumn Inspired Necklace

Win this beautiful Autumn Inspired Necklace, sponsored by Glassimo.
Get to know Judit, the artist behind Glassimo. You'll learn a few things from the interview on yesterday's post.
There are many ways to enter. Please make sure you leave a separate comment for every entry.
How to enter to win:
Mandatory entry:
- Go to Glassimo shop. Return to my Adore By Nat blog and simply leave a comment here about your favorite item from her store.
- Earn 2 entries - Go to yesterday's post to know her more. Leave a comment there (yesterday's post) on at least one the following: what you learn from the interview, what you want to see more on her shop and why, or any constructive feedbacks are always appreciated.
Come back here and leave 2 comments that you did, to ensure your entries are counted.
- Heart Glassimo (1 entry). Simply let us know your Etsy username.
- Follow Glassimo blog(1 entry).
- Follow my adorebynat blog (1 entry). If you're already a follower, you still get an entry, just says you're following already.
- Like Glassimo FB page and kindly tell Judit that Adorebynat sent you there. (1 entry).
- Like my Adorebynat Facebook Page. Don't forget to say 'hi' to me there and come back here to leave comment (1 entry). If you liked my FB page already, you still can say hi and earn 1 entry.
- Follow Glassimo on twitter (1 entry).
- Follow adorebynat on twitter (1 entry).
- Tweet about this giveaway, add "@adorebynat " in your tweet. (1 entry).
- Blog about this giveaway to earn 2 entries. Leave two separate comments here please providing me with the link to your post.
- Be creative and share the love! Refer your friends and family to enter this giveaway. Use your social media (other than twitter and blog) to shout out this giveaway. As long as you provide me a link or a way to confirm it, you'll earn 2 entries (two separate comments).
- Purchase an item from Glassimo and earn 10 entries for each purchase. Don't forget letting us know by leaving comments :-)
Contest starts now and ends on January 29, 2011. Contest opens worldwide.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Saturday Artisan: Glassimo

Meet Judit, the artist behind Glassimo, a shop full of beautiful and cheerful handmade fused glass jewelry and modern and elegantly simple home decor. I really love her works and maybe one day I can own one (or more) of them.
Tell us a bit about yourself and what arts/ crafts that you make?
Hi, my name is Judit.I've always liked to discover new fields of creativity. I just have to create – use my creative mind to channel new ideas into form. My latest love is glass fusing. I keep experimenting and learning new techniques in workshops, classes, from books, from the net, from artists - and mostly at my own in my studio. I'm taking jewelry classes in different media. I want to combine fused glass with other interesting materials -like silver, clay, stainless steel, concrete, wood etc...making real unique fusion jewelry pieces.
Which part of creation process that you like to do the most?
I enjoy the whole process starting with sketching ideas in my notebook or taking pictures of unusual objects or situations or interesting views of familiar things. And I spend a whole lot of time doing research on my computer.
What inspires you?
Anything can inspire me anytime! Art, architecture, nature, music… even a graffiti on the wall - beauty is everywhere. I am fortunate to be able to travel a lot - I'm fascinated by different cultures, the art and crafts of different countries and people, and the people with different dreams and aspirations.
What is your favourite item in your shop?
My favorite is always the latest one - but I'm working on my next idea right now!
Do you have a favourite Etsy seller?
I have many favorite shops in different styles. I like sleek, clean lines, very contempo shops - and I like funky, artsy, edgy shops as well.

Don't try to follow others just because they seem successful. Find your own style - which is always changing, evolving - but stay true to yourself.
Don't let anyone or anything limit your imagination or take away your desire to experiment just to make a bigger profit. Of course, if you have to make a living from jewelry business then you need to make some compromises.
I just do what and how I like to do. I set my standards and I do not make shortcuts. I definitely pay attention to other fused-glass jewelry artists but I do not follow them. I have my own style. I do not compromise the quality over quantity. Every piece I create is one of a kind. If you buy my necklace you can be assured that there is no other one like that. I try to preserve my originality and I never stop to come up with fresh ideas and improve my craft.
Learn as much as you can about marketing. It is very important part of business.

Finally, I would like to say ‘thank you’ to Nat who gave me and others this great opportunity to talk about our experience. I believe that we always can learn from each other and hand-made artists can form a real friendly community- which is not a small thing nowadays. I wish you all great success in your creative business. Happy crafting:)
Please visit me on:
Stay-tuned for tomorrow's giveaway.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Prep for Valentine's

It is not too early to prepare for Valentine's day.
The malls, and Michaels too, are already have their Valentine's products displayed.

This year, I'm ready! I have made a few Valentine's tags. Too adorable, I'd say :-)

If you're looking for Valentine's cards with sweet sentiments, you will find them at my shop.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Recently I joined Philips SatinPerfect Epilator BzzCampaign. They sent me a sample (HP6570) to try and tell them what I think of the product and share my opinion with others.
I'm new to epilation. It's a method of hair removal. It's similar to a razor but it removes the hairs by pulling them all the way from the roots. So maybe like waxing but less messy and painful.
So what's the Bzz?
- Smoother, faster, longer-lasting
- One stroke away from silky smooth
- Luxury for legs
I have 2 coupons up for grab: save $10 for SatinPerfect epilators (HP6576, HP6570) and LadyShave Contours (HP6345, HP6335); or save $5 for BikiniPerfect HP6375. These manufacturer's coupons are valid only in Canada, expiry date: January 31, 2011. If you're interested to try this epilator and would like to get a coupon from me, leave me a comment.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Giveaway: 5x7 print from Wilde Designs - wildemoon

Get to know Beth, the artist behind Wilde Designs. You'll learn a few things from the interview on yesterday's post.
There are many ways to enter. Please make sure you leave a separate comment for every entry.
How to enter to win:
Mandatory entry:
- Go to Wilde Designs shop. Return to my Adore By Nat blog and simply leave a comment here about your favorite item from her store.
- Earn 2 entries - Go to yesterday's post to know her more. Leave a comment there (yesterday's post) on at least one the following: what you learn from the interview, what you want to see more on her shop and why, or any constructive feedbacks are always appreciated.
Come back here and leave 2 comments that you did, to ensure your entries are counted.
- Heart Wilde Designs (1 entry). Simply let us know your Etsy username.
- Follow Wilde Designs blog(1 entry).
- Follow my adorebynat blog (1 entry). If you're already a follower, you still get an entry, just says you're following already.
- Like Wilde Designs FB page and tell Beth that Adorebynat sent you there. (1 entry).
- Like my Adorebynat Facebook Page. Say 'hi' to me there and come back here to leave comment (1 entry). If you liked my FB page already, you still can say hi and earn 1 entry.
- Follow Wilde Designs on twitter (1 entry).
- Follow adorebynat on twitter (1 entry).
- Tweet about this giveaway, add "@adorebynat " in your tweet. (1 entry).
- Blog about this giveaway to earn 2 entries. Leave two separate comments here please providing me with the link to your post.
- Be creative and share the love! Refer your friends and family to enter this giveaway. Use your social media (other than twitter and blog) to shout out this giveaway. As long as you provide me a link or a way to confirm it, you'll earn 2 entries (two separate comments).
- Purchase an item from Wilde Designs and earn 10 entries for each purchase. Don't forget letting us know by leaving comments :-)
Contest starts now and ends on January 22, 2011. Contest opens worldwide.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Saturday Artisan: Wildemoon
Meet Beth, our first 2011 Saturday Artisan. She has 3 shops: Wilde Designs, Power Ups, and Tacky Fab You can tell that she is one busy woman and she loves doing them all.
Tell us a bit about yourself and what arts/ crafts that you make?
I've been a crafter ever since I was a little. My mom put crayons in my hand as soon as I could hold them, and my grandma's an avid sewer and crafter. Thanks to them I've always found it fun to play with the materials at hand, which means I dabble in everything from painting to jewelry making to resin casting.
Which part of creation process that you like to do the most?
Seeing a project that I've envisioned coming to fruition. There are few things as cool as sitting back and realizing, "I did it!".

For me the biggest part of getting organized was going through everything. If I hadn't used something for years, I threw it out, gave it away, or put it up for sale. Keep the things that matter to you, the things you're really going to USE. Don't hide the good stuff in piles of clutter you aren't attached to.
What is your goal for 2011?
Production! I've actually started this year to work on making cohesive sections in the various shops and keeping them filled with new merchandise as often as possible. I'd like to really work on getting some new and different things out in 2011 like more original artwork, new types of magnets and a few other goodies my husband and I are cooking up.
What is your favourite tool that you cannot live without?
The Adobe Creative Suite. Someday I hope to upgrade to the newest version, but it's absolutely essential to my design and art.

How do you promote your shop?
I use Twitter, Facebook, the forums at Etsy, my blog, and Project Wonderful as well as other one off opportunities as I find them. I do whatever I can to make it very easy for people to find and get in touch with me since if they want my products, I want it to be simple for them to find!

Any advice for others running their on-line shop?
Never underestimate the power of just plain chatting to people. I've gotten more treasuries through my Twitter and Facebook friends than from anything else. It really does pay to appreciate how valuable it is to be friendly.

Saving money is important; tell us one thing that you do to save money?
I recycle everything - and I don't mean in the blue bins. The gift cards I send with each item ordered are made from old cards, calendars, etc. There's a use for everything if you want it, and it can save you a lot of money as well as making your shop and/or shipping more unique.
Friday, January 7, 2011
The New Look

Do you recognize the new look? I have revamped this blog to represent my current style a bit better. Unfortunately those buttons on the top are part of the background that I could not make it work unless I could get help from friend who is tech genius to help me with the html codes. For now, I'm going to leave it as is. I'm happy with the new look and I hope you are too!
Have you checked my shop lately? I have new tags listed such as these vintage ballerina tags. Series 1 and 2 are out and the 3rd one will be out soon. I had so much creating them. Distressing them do take time but the result isn't disappointing.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The New Year

Happy New Year!
We said good-bye to 2010 and embrace 2011 with much hope and love. Wish you all much success in everything you do.
I'm enjoying my break now. I get to spend time with my toddler, creating, and do all those that I've put on hold for a while. Of course there are some that I still have not have a chance to accomplish yet, but step at a time, right?
Talking about new years resolutions. I have a few in mind and that includes making a final decision on where we are going to live and have a steady life. This is actually what I've been thinking a lot during the holiday. If you've been following my blog from beginning (2008), you know that since the birth of our son 3 years ago, we have been living in several places involving 2 different countries that requires about 24 hrs flights (not including the transits). Relocation is certainly not easy especially if we went through it over than a couple of times in 3 years period. I certainly not a fond of packing and unpacking. Unsteadiness and uncertainty wearing us out. DH and I discuss at length and talk about couple options. Soon, we'll make a decision.
Now, would you like to share yours? :-)
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